
Wellness Institute of Southern California

Growth Hormone Therapy for Children


Challenges of Growth hormone therapy.

Parenets of children who growth delayed or short stature, and have sought help, know the challenges.

Timing: From first visit to the doctor visit, to testing, to insurnace coverage, to receiving and utilizing the medications can take months, sometimes years.

Insurance coverage: A common issue is that to qualify for insurance coverage, children need to be under the 4th percentile for height. Such stringent guidelines only lookout for the most extreme of cases. If insurance coverage is denied, families are then left with the only other option: paying out of pocket.

Out of pocket costs: For most people, this frustrating point, brings about a reality check. Out of pocket costs can go from thousands to over 10k per month. And it gets worse when one realizes that most children requires years of this therapy. Most traditional allopathic practitioners have the knowledge, most often do not have the experience to make this therapy a reality.  

Our solution.

We offer a unique solution to this. We aren’t going to lie, our process is still costly, but overall, the out of pocket cost that would be spent with our services & recommendations, is on average 50% to 80% lower than the typical out of pocket costs. Its still not cheap, but it will offer a few more families a ray of hope.


Commonly Asked Questions


When dealing with children, the question of safety must be addressed first. While all medications have side effects, growth hormone has amazingly few side effects. What’s more, most of these side effects are dose dependant. We take great pride in our work and everything we do is to ensure the number one the safety of therapy and number two the success of the the therapy, and as you will experience we go above and beyond all standard safety practices with this therapy


Therapy can last anywhere from 18 months to 6yrs. It is finite. After the teen years, the therapy is ineffective for growth.


Simply put, not starting therapy as early as possible. As there is some similarity in the literature about general guidines to treatment, we treat all children are special and different. Please note it is incredibly frustrating to us when parents wait until the children are mid puberty, 14 yrs or older to contact us. Typically the bones are almost fused and there is little we can do about it. Please, please, PLEASE, bring your children in as eary as possible, and try not wait until they are in their teenage yrs.

Most families will can spend years questioning the high price vs. the potential benefits. Even if families are just thinking about it, it usually indicates there is a problem. Families need to trust their gut IMMEDIATELY. The earlier families start therapy, the better the results and the less time that will be spend on therapy.


For any family dealing with this, there are three possible paths.

  1. GH therapy

  2. Distraction Osteogenesis: the science of breaking bones and extending them. For adults only.

  3. Do nothing

For most people growth hormone therapy may be their only option.

Is it really worth it?

This is a very personal question. We believe families making decisions in the best interest of both the child and the family. Most children are too young to understand the challenges that they will face in the oncoming years. Thus for us here, we believe parents should have the final say in what’s best for their children.

specific Benefits*

Less bullying - obvious

Have higher incomes(1)

More prosperity(2)

Are more attractive as mates(3)(4)(5)

Are more likely to emerge as leaders(6)(7)

Objectively, as the above benefits clearly indicate, we firmly believe GH thearpy for children is more than worth it.

* - Please contact us directly if you would like the full papers of any of the links

Why are we doing this?


We saw extended family members on the not even at 5th percentile of height turned away from multiple physicians. Other close friends were turned away for the similar reasons. We had the know how and over the years we have built up the networks to help families in need. As we are parents ourselves, we mean it when we say we understand what you are going through, what challenges you are facing, and what we want for all children: to be happy. We see the families who need help, and for whatever reason, are not getting it. Now we offer a physician supervised realistic method on accomplishing this.

Who are we?

  • We are a small private clinic.

  • We are 100% private pay.

  • We are run by licensed physicians. You will only be working with licensed physicians.

  • We are not sham clinic trying to sell products or add-ons.

  • We are offering real help for families in need.

If we can even prevent one more child
from being bullied doing this will be worth it .
— R. Lal


About the practice:  We value people and relationships over quantity.  We try not to take ourselves too seriously, but, when s**t hits the fan, we are dead serious about health, especially dealing with prevention or future oriented.  We are one of the few practices where preventive medicine is at focus of much of what we do, and we it with an aggressive mindset. We love what we do here and we hope it shows.

Get in touch

We want to help those who need it. If you think you do, or know someone who might, please don’t hesistate to reach out to us. Hopefully we can help, but if we cannot, we will do our best to point you in the right direction of someone who might.

Let's Chat.

Use the form below to contact us. Please be as detailed as possible. Typically we like to do a 30 complimentary minute consulation over the phone. You may also email or call us to make an appointment. We look forward to hear from you!




17332 Von Karman Ave Ste. 135
Irvine, CA 92614


(310) 376-3650